Monday, August 16, 2010

Intensification Notes

DeLanda Intensive Science

56-traits that characterize intensive thinking in biology: populations and rates of change/heterogeneity (58)
68-the term, intensity, comes from thermodynamics
70-Two Deleuzian modifications to thermodynamics definition, inspired by biological sciences: a) when intensities are divided they are divided by critical threshold, "its extensive properties suffering a radical change in nature"
72-b) new capacities become apparent through high intensification, far-from-equilibrium conditions; "capabilities to form assemblages with other individuals, organic or inorganic"; "We may have exhaustive knowledge about an individual's properties and yet, not having observed it in interaction with other individuals, know nothing about its capacities"

70-Deleuze: "Difference is not diversity"; diversity is a given, it's like a cardinal series of numbers; difference operates like an ordinal series (81)
76-"zone of intensity" informs what expressive capacities appear
77-intensive sciences "reveal how one and the same 'virtual limb' is unfolded through difference intensive sequences"; he's talking about the tetrapod limb
78-"we need to conceive a continuum which yields, through progressive differentiation, all the discontinuous individual that populate the actual world"
-"we need a way of meshing these together into a heterogeneous a plane of consistency"
79-differential relations & function
80-"Unlike trajectories, a vector field is not composed of individuated states, but of instantaneous values for rates of change"
81-"condensation of singularities....a metaphor of this the occurrence of a phase transition in an actual material such as water"
82-"Russell introduced the term distance (or intensity) to define relations of proximity between the elements of an ordinal series"
84-"When two separate series of events are placed in communication, in such a way that a change in probabilities in one series affects the probability distribution of the other, we have an information channel"
87-"In the vicinity of the bifurcation the capacity to transmit information is maximized"
114-coupling influenced by intensity held at a critical threshold of strength
120-degree of connectivity

Bonata and Protevi Geophilosophy

100-Deleuze borrows from Kant's study of "intensive magnitude" in "Anticipations of Perception" in the Critique of Pure Reason
-"while one must add together the parts of an extensive quantity to achieve a grasp of its does not add, for example, three 'units' of ten degrees of heat to apprehend a temperature of thirty degrees"

Massumi A User's Guide

69-7?- infant & BwO, going through threshold changes
8-"a plateau is reached when circumstances combine to bring an activity to a pitch of intensity that is not automatically dissipated in a climax leading to a state of rest"
66-"Actual intensity has extension (form and substance), virtual intensity does not: it is a pure intensity"
60-attractor: "state towards which a system tends"
-intensity: "the differential potential created by the contradictory motion and density requirements of the two attractors (equilibrium & far from equilibrium)
47-"Stirrings that are not just prepersonal, but impersonal, bodily but inhuman, outside intentionality, open irrevocably to chance"
-"How there can be sensation without a unified subject"

Parr The Deleuze Dictionary Constantin V Boundas "Intensity" def

131-force refers to the relation between forces
-"the encounter of intensity--being the task of sensibility--is the first necessary link in the interaction of all faculties striving to generate the differentiated virtual within thought"
132-"Sensation is the affect"

Patton Deleuze: A Critical Reader Daniel W Smith

37-"They [intensive forces] can only be sensed from the point of view of the transcendental sensibility that apprehends it immediately in the encounter as the limit of sensibility itself"
-"'sensation ceases to be representative and becomes real'"
43-shift in modern art from matter-form relation to material-force
-44-drawing from Lyotard, "the figure is the form that is connected to a sensation" (different from figuration, a representation practice)
-"In Bacon's paintings, it is the human body that plays this role of the Figure: it functions as the material support or framework that sustains a precise sensation"; he deforms the body, undoing its extensive unity to reveal its intensive reality

Deleuze and Guatarri A Thousand Plateaus
37-the proper name is the instantaneous apprehension of a multiplicity....the subject of a pure infinitive comprehended as such in a field of intensity"
22-Bateson and Balinese culture, "plateau of intensity"
54-"One travels by intensity; displacements and spatial figures depend on intensive thresholds of nomadic deterritorialization (and thus on differential relations) that simultaneously define complementary, sedentary, reterritorializations"